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Our overall umbrella is Next Generation Leadership. There is a great need for a New Generation of Leadership, leading from the heart rather than the purely rational mind. Leading from a wholeness perspective, interconnected with all living-systems, rather than seeking trade-offs and only pleasing shareholders. Leading to serve humanity and the planet. 


Our approach is  Inner Leadership. We support you to go within to know, understand and learn how to express and apply your higher-level capacities: inner wisdom, intuition, creative abilities, the ability to manifest and your "integrity power" (i.e. your actions, emotions and thoughts aligned with and informed by your spirit.) Also, to identify your self-limits, to learn from and be free from them.


New Direction's Inner Leadership coaches trains, coaches and mentors you and your teams on cutting-edge scientific-based tools such as neuroscience, quantum physics and epigenetics, and pioneering self-awareness and development leadership practises put together into a special training program to equip you to lead from your inner wisdom. 


Leadership, Organizational and Societal Transformation

The leadership we have been taught in business schools up until today is from a failing paradigm. We don’t just have a climate crisis but a serious leadership crisis. To create a sustainable future, we need a completely new direction of leadership. We need leaders who lead from a new paradigm, who have the ability to lead from their wisdom within. The world today is demanding the next generation of leadership.


Our team of experts have pinpointed the most important paradigm shifts about the leadership of our time, that are essential for aligning purpose with a positive sustainable impact on planet, people and profit. During this Masterclass, we will explore these paradigm shifts and familiarize ourselves with how to lead from within and to navigate through the radical changes and challenges that lie ahead.

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  • Next Generation Leadership: the New Paradigm of Leadership

  • Wisdom Leadership: Shifting from Outer Leadership to Inner Leadership

  • Creating Living Organizations

  • Transitioning to a Wellbeing Economy

  • One work floor - five generations: Bridging the differences between younger and more senior generations to create an up-to-date culture.

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