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Leading the Critical Evolution of Self, Leadership and Society
Guided by Inner Wisdom

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Selected organisations and partners that our team members have worked with


We would like to offer you an invitation to our Tree House. A special space where we gather and dive into our collective wisdom, play, laugh and grow together. Our intention is to embark on an intimate journey over the course of 9 months. We are a small group of changemakers who are committed to setting deep routes to reach high. To seeing a flourishing society and striving to create change through transforming self, empowering others and evolving our organisations.  We’ll gather in the Tree House once a month for two hours and explore a range of topics together such as:



Creating regenerative cultures

Fostering mutually supportive relationships

Leading transformation in our organisations and lives.



  • As a group, we’ll together choose the topics that we wish to explore on a deeper level. Along the journey, our team Alexander, Christopher and Shruthi will cater with inputs and inspiration, surface our collective wisdom and create a space where we support each other in applying these in our lives and work.

  • Outside of these sessions, we’ll have space for the community to connect and add-on coaching/mentoring as helpful.

  • We have designed the Tree House to be of a natural quality, personal “family vibe” for deep sharing, care, support and fun.



Completing this journey we wish to have developed together the following capacities:


  • Self-transformation - greater clarity, purpose, access to your intuition. Shining light on your blindspots and transforming habits that are holding you back. Balance and integration of mind, body and heart. Deeply grounded in self whilst being open and connected to others and Nature.

  • Empowering and leading others to access their fullest potential. Creating environments for others to find greater balance. Raising group flow and accessing group collective wisdom. Seeing and clearing group blindspots. Support to bring change to your organization in service of creating a flourishing society.

  • A supportive family of like-minded and like-hearted fellow changemakers to support and be supported by in your journey. 




Gathering 1: March  24 

Gathering 2: April      28  

Gathering 3: May       26     

Gathering 4:June       23

Gathering 5: July        28   

Gathering 6: August 25

Gathering 7: Sept.      22

Gathering 8: Oct.        27

Gathering 9: Nov.       24    


Our gatherings will take place on the fourth Thursday/Friday of the month from March (24) to November (24)









Extra: Peer coaching session will be decided together along the journey.


Monthly online live session

Monthly personal work and preparation
Peer Coaching and optional personal mentoring along the way

April - September
11-1 pm Los Angeles,
2-4  pm New York,
8-10 pm Central Europe,
9-11 pm Finland

6-8 am New Zealand

11-1 pm Los Angeles,
2-4  pm New York,
8-10 pm Central Europe,
9-11 pm Finland

7-9 am New Zealand

Timing: 6 pm - 8pm UTC (GMT + 00:00)
11am - 2pm Los Angeles,
2-4pm New York,
7-9pm Central Europe,
8-10pm Finland

7-9 am New Zealand

10-12 am Los Angeles,
1-3 pm New York,
7-9 pm Central Europe,
8-10 pm Finland

7-9 am New Zealand


The world of leadership and societal development is transforming before our eyes. Leaders either learn to cross the threshold or struggle with approaches from outdated mindsets. Global New Zealanders Shruthi Vijayakumar, Christopher Evatt and Alexander Evatt will be the facilitators of your leadership journey. They are passionate about and committed to catalysing authentic change for this crucial transformation in leadership consciousness for a systems change in how we conduct business and run our economy.   



Alexander Evatt

Heart wisdom catalyst for leadership and business


Shruthi Vijayakumar

Creating a world where we live in harmony with Nature

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Christopher Evatt

ALL FLOURISHING.. people, businesses & planet.


If you have made it this far, we have appreciated you for your presence, wisdom and contribution you brought to our previous Masterclass (or we think you would be an awesome fit for the "vibe of the tribe"), and want to invite you as part of a selected few to journey with us as a family member of the Tree House.


We would love to hear how much of a monthly Koha ( gifted contribution in Maori) could be possible for you or your company to make to build and support the Tree House? As a guideline, we suggest: private  €50/month or company €50-100 (with flexibility in payment options).

Let us know what best works for you by filling out the registration form below, and we will send you the secret coordinates to join the Tree House journey.

Welcome to
the Tree House

Billing details:

Congratulations, welcome on board! You will recieve your personalized subscription plan by email shortly.


Who are the facilitators?


The Tree House journey is facilitated by Alexander, Christopher and Shruthi. A major emphasis of our program is on peer-to-peer learning and bringing out the collective experience and wisdom of the group for all to benefit.

Is the journey self-directed?


We will have an immersive, participatory and peer-to-peer driven experience. Where we each contribute with our presence, wisdom and experience. Shruthi, Christopher and Alexander will provide guidance, inspiration and shared practices along the way.

Is there additional study time required, beyond contact hours?


Yes. Prior to each gathering, there will be some reflections/exercises to be completed outside our contact hours. This is to ensure we can make best use of our time together and also to support you in applying learnings after the gatherings.

What length is the journey?


We believe 9 months time is sufficient to lay deep roots for personal and collective growth. Our intention is for us to really get to know one another and support each other's projects to make real change happen. Also for you to build up enough fuel to continue the journey and application of learnings and connect with our group beyond this period.

©2025 by New Direction Ltd

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Welcome to the tribe!

© 2025 by New Direction Ltd

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